Well, the holidays (and the 6 or so weeks after) were busy and I neglected this little blog. I'm sure the 3 of you who actually read it were checking diligently each day to see if I updated. I feel terrible about the disappointment this must have caused you, but I'm back now and I did read while I was busy so there will be many book reviews to make up for the time lost. (Totally kidding. Except for the reading part).
I said I was going to post some reviews of all the Christmas-themed books I read but since tomorrow is already Valentines Day I will put that off for awhile. Probably until next November.
I've mentioned before that I like Biblical fiction. Last year the book club read Abigail, one of Jill Eileen Smith's Wives of King David series. I liked that one so much I went back and read the other two (Michal and Bathsheba). Her new endeavor is the Wives of the Patriarchs series. This month in book club we read Sarai. I really enjoyed it. Smith does such a good job of staying as close as possible to the Bible. When she has to stray because the Bible doesn't give the information she uses a plot line that is very plausible. Of course after I read that one I had to get the next book, Rebekah. Rebekah was good but there isn't as much about her in Scripture so most of the book is invented. The author did a a good job, I just didn't find it as intriguing. I am looking forward to seeing what she does with Leah and Rachel.